The holiday of Tu B’Shevat, translated as the 15th of the month of Shevat, is a beautiful holiday where we take time to celebrate nature. This year Tu B’Shevat falls out on Thursday, February 13th. Tu B’Shevat is sometimes called the birthday of the trees and is therefore also known as one of the four […]
Jewish families are blessed to have eight full nights to find meaning and celebration in the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights. Chanukah celebrates the success of the Maccabees the small Jewish army who fought against the Greeks in the pursuit of religious freedom. Traditionally, we light the hanukkiah (Chanukah menorah) for eight […]
Just when winter brings us the shortest, darkest days of the year, the Jewish calendar brings us Chanukah, the Festival of Light. Whether you’ve been lighting Chanukah candles your whole life, or you’re celebrating for the first time, the Macks Jewish Connection Network hopes that these ideas and resources bring moments of meaning, connection, and […]
This Chanukah, as we gather with family and friends, let’s make sure everyone feels safe, welcome and celebrated. The Jewish community is becoming more diverse all the time. For many years, the predominant culture of American Jewry has been white and Ashkenazi. Our community is seeing a transformation. Through marriage with other faith traditions, more […]
For many Jews, celebrating Sukkot is something they’ve grown up with, but for those unfamiliar, it’s kind of a weird holiday. There are little huts, weird fruit and people popping in and out all week. Maybe you know all these traditions, or maybe you’re the one asking “Hey, what’s going on over there?” We compiled […]
This year, the month of October is more than just colorful leaves, pumpkin spice, and Halloween; it’s the start of the Jewish new year! We at The Network are here to help you celebrate all month long. Read on to learn about each holiday and the traditions that go along with the transitions from one […]
Looking to incorporate a new practice or two into your Rosh Hashanah holiday? During a staff meeting, our team shared our families’ traditions for Rosh Hashanah, which celebrates the new year and kicks off the High Holiday season! Meal Must-Haves: Erica Bloom, Kate Kirby, and Abigail Malischostak all serve apple cake. Erica and Abigail […]
With Rosh Hashanah marking the beginning of the Jewish year, there’s a tradition to start the year off right by incorporating symbolic foods that reflect the wish for a sweet year. Many people eat apples and honey and greet each other with the phrase, “Shana Tova U’Metukah, May you have a good and sweet new […]
Have you ever wondered what Shavuot is all about? This year, the Jewish holiday of Shavuot begins the night of June 11 and ends the night of June 13. There are so many meaningful and delicious parts to Shavuot; from dairy foods to learning Torah and the anticipation of becoming the Jewish people. Dive in […]
The Jewish holiday of Shavuot celebrates Moses receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai after the Jews were freed from slavery in Egypt. Traditionally, we eat dairy to symbolize Israel, the “land flowing of milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8). One way that many Jews celebrate is by enjoying ice cream, the best dairy of them all! […]