Staff Rosh Hashanah Traditions

Looking to incorporate a new practice or two into your Rosh Hashanah holiday? Look no further! During a staff meeting, our team shared our families’ traditions for Rosh Hashanah, which celebrates the new year and kicks off the High Holiday season!

Meal must-haves:

Erica Bloom, Kate Kirby, and Abigail Malischostak all serve apple cake. Erica and Abigail use family recipes, and Kate makes the Smitten Kitchen version.

Brenda Footer adds a new fruit on the 2nd night of the holiday, to signify a prayer for the new season.

Gabrielle Burger uses Trader Joe’s Scandinavian Swimmers instead of a fish head as a nod to the “head of the year”.

Rachel Turniansky and her family create different puns and serve simanim, symbolic foods. One example includes whirled peas for “world peace”.

Abbi Sacks and her family eat rainbow cake with chocolate (not raspberry!) Frosting.

Amy Goldberg serves a cinnamon-raisin round challah, to signify the cycle of the year.

Martha Goodman buys and serves a new, special type of honey every year.

Addie Lewis Klein purchases birthday cupcakes since it is the birthday of the year.

Jodi Teitelman eats so many apples with honey that she gets yelled at.


Other ways to celebrate:

Amy Goldberg and Abigail Malischostak both go apple picking. Amy uses the apples to make homemade applesauce.

Rachel Pototsky picks sunflowers since they are in peak bloom.

Laura Wilson uses Rosh Hashanah as the perfect opportunity to take new family photos.

Addie Lewis Klein and her family go on a hike and cast tashlich (sins) into the creek.

Maian Rahvalschi finds a new way to fold napkins.

Alli Berger and her family eat dinner outside.

Kate Kirby and her family invite a new guest every year, a tradition started by her grandparents.

Check out our High Holiday roundup here to learn more about community gatherings and other ways to celebrate!