Find Your Community

Connect with families like yours or meet friends in a similar life stage. Become part of the vibrant Baltimore Jewish community or tap into the broader global Jewish community. We’re here to help!

Community Connectors

From holiday gatherings to fun family outings, our Community Connectors are all about creating a dynamic Jewish experience for families and individuals, and they’re here to help you build lasting friendships on your Jewish journey.

Connect with us today and start forging meaningful connections with families in your neighborhood or with those who share your life stage.

Start Connecting

22+ Community Connectors. 1,700 Families Connected. 50 Events Held Each Year.

Build Your Community



Our goal is to make your parenting journey an enriching and joyful experience

Learn More


Adults and Empty Nesters

Offering Jewish engagement opportunities with purpose, community, and connection

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Disability and Inclusion

We’re committed to making Jewish life more accessible and inclusive for everyone

Learn More

Momentum Cohort

Your Israel, Your Way

Ignite your connection with Israel, right here in Baltimore! We have exciting ways to make Israel feel closer than ever.

  • Travel to Israel with us and Momentum year-long journey
  • Learn Israeli dancing or take an Israeli cooking class
  • Build a connection with Ashkelon, Baltimore’s partner city

Yalla! Let’s embark on an Israeli adventure together.

Journey to Israel

"I totally attribute you to opening these doors and creating a connection to Judaism in a way I wasn't really sure how to navigate. You have added a layer of meaning to my life that I didn't even realize I needed but is so important."


Shalom Baltimore

Whether you are brand new to Baltimore or have been around a bit, we’ve got you covered. Connect with like-minded folks, attend captivating events, or join forces for causes close to your heart. Our vibrant community has something for all, and we’re here to help guide you to your spot in Jewish Baltimore.

Embrace Jewish Baltimore

Contact Us

We'd love to hear about your Jewish journey.
Let's get coffee and chat.

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