Author: Gabrielle Burger

From Fields to Festivities: Uncovering 7 Shavuot Facts

Have you ever wondered what Shavuot is all about? This year, the Jewish holiday of Shavuot begins the night of June 11 and ends the night of June 13. There are so many meaningful and delicious parts to Shavuot; from dairy foods to learning Torah and the anticipation of becoming the Jewish people. Dive in […]

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My Story: The Sephardic and Ashkenazi Seder Table

For the Jewish people, Passover is a holiday of many traditions. Some of these traditions are around food, around song tunes, and even around hide and seek! Family traditions and customs are something of much debate in my home because I come from a Sephardic home, and my husband comes from an Ashkenazi home. How do […]

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Jewish Rituals: Unveiling the Mystery Behind Tradition

Have you ever found yourself pondering the meaning behind some Jewish rituals and customs? This list sheds light on the richness, beauty and complexity of Jewish customs without any intent to mock traditions.

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5 Simple Ways to Infuse Jewish Learning and Culture into Anyone’s Daily Routine

Between work, school, family, and friends, finding time for Jewish self-improvement might be the last thing on your mind. Incorporating Jewish culture into your daily routine doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Here are five easy ways to infuse Jewish learning and living into activities you already love.

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