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Staff: Referral
Staff: Referral
Staff: Referral
Staff Name
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Erica Bloom
Allison Berger
Gabrielle Burger
Brenda Footer
Amy Goldberg
Martha Goodman
Kate Kirby
Addie Klein
Abigail Malischostak
Rachel Pototsky
Maian Rahvalschi
Jodi Teitelman
Rachel Turniansky
Dazia Wallerson
Laura Wilson
Community Member Name
Date of Referral
MM slash DD slash YYYY
How many referrals did you make?
Please enter a number from
Type of Referral #1
Community Referral
= Referral made to a community organization, like a synagogue, school, JCC, etc.
Connector Referral
= Referral made to a connector
Friend Referral
= Referral made to another community member- a social connection
Internal Referral
= Referral made to another member of The Network's Staff
Community Organization
Select Community Organization
Adat Chaim
B'nai Israel
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Beit Tikvah Congregation
Beth Am Congregation
Beth El Congregation
Beth Israel Congregation
Beth Shalom Congregation
Beth Tfiloh Congregation
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
Bnai Jacob
Bolton Street Synagogue
BT Camps
CA Camps
Camps Airy & Louise
Capital Camps
Chevrei Tzedek
Chizuk Amuno
E.B. Hirsch Early Childhood Center (Baltimore Hebrew)
Eldersburg Jewish Congregation
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Har Sinai-Oheb Shalom Congregation
Jewish Connection Network (The Network)
Krieger Schechter Day School
Learning Ladder (HSOS)
Ner Tamid
Netivot Shalom
Ohr Chadash Academy
Pauline Mash School for Early Childhood Education (Beth El)
Pikesville Jewish Congregation
Shomrei Emunah
Stoler Early Learning Center (JCC)
Suburban Orthodox
Temple Emanuel
Temple Isaiah
Other Organization Name
Nomi Adams
Lisa Akchin
Julie Altman Wolff
Brooke Berman
Megan Brantley
Alana Brookfield
Timoth Copney
Barri DeFrancisci
Marci Elkin
Carmen Ezaoui
Lauren Falkowitz
Lindsay Fundakowski Feldman
Stacey Gerstenblith
Terry Golaner
Steve Goldstein
Talia Griffin
Stephanie Helfman
Samara Hirsch
Stephanie Imanwelof
Corinne Janet
KeSean (Sean) Johnson
Sam Kahan Strakes
Jen Lieberman
Melissa Nevid
Heather Ralston
Amanda Rudin
Stan Scherr
Jill Silbert
Sarah Brodsky Simon
Marina Vurgaftman
Staci Weber
Jacob Wolf
Debbie Wolff
Jennifer Wolff
Erica Zippert
Erica Bloom
Allison Berger
Gabrielle Burger
Brenda Footer
Amy Goldberg
Martha Goodman
Kate Kirby
Addie Klein
Abigail Malischostak
Rachel Pototsky
Maian Rahvalschi
Jodi Teitelman
Rachel Turniansky
Dazia Wallerson
Laura Wilson
Details about the Referral
Include who you connected the community member to (for community referral) and why you made the referral.
Type of Referral #2
Community Referral
= Referral made to a community organization, like a synagogue, school, JCC, etc.
Connector Referral
= Referral made to a connector
Friend Referral
= Referral made to another community member- a social connection
Internal Referral
= Referral made to another member of The Network's Staff
Community Organization
Select Community Organization
Adat Chaim
B'nai Israel
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Beit Tikvah Congregation
Beth Am Congregation
Beth El Congregation
Beth Israel Congregation
Beth Shalom Congregation
Beth Tfiloh Congregation
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
Bnai Jacob
Bolton Street Synagogue
BT Camps
CA Camps
Camps Airy & Louise
Capital Camps
Chevrei Tzedek
Chizuk Amuno
E.B. Hirsch Early Childhood Center (Baltimore Hebrew)
Eldersburg Jewish Congregation
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Har Sinai-Oheb Shalom Congregation
Jewish Connection Network (The Network)
Krieger Schechter Day School
Learning Ladder (HSOS)
Ner Tamid
Netivot Shalom
Ohr Chadash Academy
Pauline Mash School for Early Childhood Education (Beth El)
Pikesville Jewish Congregation
Shomrei Emunah
Stoler Early Learning Center (JCC)
Suburban Orthodox
Temple Emanuel
Temple Isaiah
Other Organization Name
Nomi Adams
Lisa Akchin
Julie Altman Wolff
Brooke Berman
Megan Brantley
Alana Brookfield
Timoth Copney
Barri DeFrancisci
Marci Elkin
Carmen Ezaoui
Lauren Falkowitz
Lindsay Fundakowski Feldman
Stacey Girstenblith
Terry Golaner
Steve Goldstein
Talia Griffin
Stephanie Helfman
Samara Hirsch
Stephanie Imanwelof
Corinne Janet
KeSean (Sean) Johnson
Sam Kahan Strakes
Jen Lieberman
Melissa Nevid
Heather Ralston
Amanda Rudin
Stan Scherr
Jill Silbert
Sarah Brodsky Simon
Marina Vurgaftman
Staci Weber
Jacob Wolf
Debbie Wolff
Jennifer Wolff
Erica Zippert
Erica Bloom
Allison Berger
Gabrielle Burger
Brenda Footer
Amy Goldberg
Martha Goodman
Kate Kirby
Addie Klein
Abigail Malischostak
Rachel Pototsky
Maian Rahvalschi
Jodi Teitelman
Rachel Turniansky
Dazia Wallerson
Laura Wilson
Erica Bloom
Allison Berger
Gabrielle Burger
Brenda Footer
Amy Goldberg
Martha Goodman
Kate Kirby
Addie Klein
Abigail Malischostak
Rachel Pototsky
Maian Rahvalschi
Jodi Teitelman
Rachel Turniansky
Dazia Wallerson
Laura Wilson
Details about the Referral
Include who you connected the community member to (for community referral) and why you made the referral.
Type of Referral #3
Community Referral
= Referral made to a community organization, like a synagogue, school, JCC, etc.
Connector Referral
= Referral made to a connector
Friend Referral
= Referral made to another community member- a social connection
Internal Referral
= Referral made to another member of The Network's Staff
Community Organization
Select Community Organization
Adat Chaim
B'nai Israel
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Beit Tikvah Congregation
Beth Am Congregation
Beth El Congregation
Beth Israel Congregation
Beth Shalom Congregation
Beth Tfiloh Congregation
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
Bnai Jacob
Bolton Street Synagogue
BT Camps
CA Camps
Camps Airy & Louise
Capital Camps
Chevrei Tzedek
Chizuk Amuno
E.B. Hirsch Early Childhood Center (Baltimore Hebrew)
Eldersburg Jewish Congregation
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Har Sinai-Oheb Shalom Congregation
Jewish Connection Network (The Network)
Krieger Schechter Day School
Learning Ladder (HSOS)
Ner Tamid
Netivot Shalom
Ohr Chadash Academy
Pauline Mash School for Early Childhood Education (Beth El)
Pikesville Jewish Congregation
Shomrei Emunah
Stoler Early Learning Center (JCC)
Suburban Orthodox
Temple Emanuel
Temple Isaiah
Other Organization Name
Nomi Adams
Lisa Akchin
Julie Altman Wolff
Brooke Berman
Megan Brantley
Alana Brookfield
Timoth Copney
Barri DeFrancisci
Marci Elkin
Carmen Ezaoui
Lauren Falkowitz
Lindsay Fundakowski Feldman
Stacey Gerstenblith
Terry Golaner
Steve Goldstein
Talia Griffin
Stephanie Helfman
Samara Hirsch
Stephanie Imanwelof
Corinne Janet
KeSean (Sean) Johnson
Sam Kahan Strakes
Jen Lieberman
Melissa Nevid
Heather Ralston
Amanda Rudin
Stan Scherr
Jill Silbert
Sarah Brodsky Simon
Marina Vurgaftman
Staci Weber
Jacob Wolf
Debbie Wolff
Jennifer Wolff
Erica Zippert
Erica Bloom
Allison Berger
Gabrielle Burger
Brenda Footer
Amy Goldberg
Martha Goodman
Kate Kirby
Addie Klein
Abigail Malischostak
Rachel Pototsky
Maian Rahvalschi
Jodi Teitelman
Rachel Turniansky
Dazia Wallerson
Laura Wilson
Details about the Referral
Include who you connected the community member to (for community referral) and why you made the referral.
Type of Referral #4
Community Referral
= Referral made to a community organization, like a synagogue, school, JCC, etc.
Connector Referral
= Referral made to a connector
Friend Referral
= Referral made to another community member- a social connection
Internal Referral
= Referral made to another member of The Network's Staff
Community Organization
Select Community Organization
Adat Chaim
B'nai Israel
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Beit Tikvah Congregation
Beth Am Congregation
Beth El Congregation
Beth Israel Congregation
Beth Shalom Congregation
Beth Tfiloh Congregation
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
Bnai Jacob
Bolton Street Synagogue
BT Camps
CA Camps
Camps Airy & Louise
Capital Camps
Chevrei Tzedek
Chizuk Amuno
E.B. Hirsch Early Childhood Center (Baltimore Hebrew)
Eldersburg Jewish Congregation
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center
Har Sinai-Oheb Shalom Congregation
Jewish Connection Network (The Network)
Krieger Schechter Day School
Learning Ladder (HSOS)
Ner Tamid
Netivot Shalom
Ohr Chadash Academy
Pauline Mash School for Early Childhood Education (Beth El)
Pikesville Jewish Congregation
Shomrei Emunah
Stoler Early Learning Center (JCC)
Suburban Orthodox
Temple Emanuel
Temple Isaiah
Other Organization Name
Nomi Adams
Lisa Akchin
Julie Altman Wolff
Brooke Berman
Megan Brantley
Alana Brookfield
Timoth Copney
Barri DeFrancisci
Marci Elkin
Carmen Ezaoui
Lauren Falkowitz
Lindsay Fundakowski Feldman
Stacey Gerstenblith
Terry Golaner
Steve Goldstein
Talia Griffin
Stephanie Helfman
Samara Hirsch
Stephanie Imanwelof
Corinne Janet
KeSean (Sean) Johnson
Sam Kahan Strakes
Jen Lieberman
Melissa Nevid
Heather Ralston
Amanda Rudin
Stan Scherr
Jill Silbert
Sarah Brodsky Simon
Marina Vurgaftman
Staci Weber
Jacob Wolf
Debbie Wolff
Jennifer Wolff
Erica Zippert
Erica Bloom
Allison Berger
Gabrielle Burger
Brenda Footer
Amy Goldberg
Martha Goodman
Kate Kirby
Addie Klein
Abigail Malischostak
Rachel Pototsky
Maian Rahvalschi
Jodi Teitelman
Rachel Turniansky
Dazia Wallerson
Laura Wilson
Details about the Referral
Include who you connected the community member to (for community referral) and why you made the referral.